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An Environment that Supports Healing

When designing our offices, we focused on creating an inviting and comfortable space that we hope will enhance your experience with us. Environment can play a big role in the healing process, so we want to make sure that when you come to visit you feel as relaxed and cared for as possible.

Housed in the Prime East Fort Lauderdale Office Building, our newly renovated offices are strategically located near Federal Highway U.S. 1 and East Oakland Park Boulevard. They are also easily accessible from the Route 72 Oakland Park bus stop, and conveniently located just across the street from the Coral Ridge Mall. We are easy to get to and close to a wide array of shopping, restaurants, and other amenities.

Inside, our offices combine a welcoming, low-stress aesthetic with the latest state-of-the-art equipment. The balance we strike within our physical environment reflects the way our practice combines a personalized and compassionate approach with the highest degree of skill and expertise.

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